Tuesday, 16 September 2014

online shoping create details

Project Name -: Emall Shopping Cart

Developers involved- Sandeep Wagh.

Tools and Languages used – Visual Studio.NET 2003,ASP.NET,C#.

Brief Description :-

This is a fictitious Web Based E-Commerce Site developed for users who visit a typical shopping site for online buying . Apart from normal features of a sales site ,some  value added features such as  accessing Web Services, Credit Card validation, Emailing ,Report Generation using inbuilt crystal reports for managerial access have been added. I have also made a provision for adding new products,categories ,sub categories…….image uploading etc for the manager of the company.

We will get into the nitty-gritty’s of the project in a short time from now- Read on.

Normal Features :-

Common users can browse the site…get the items …put in the shopping cart and when they have finished shopping check out and finalize the sale.
(Note- all orders are fictitious  -order information is tracked and does not allow actual transaction). Credit card validation…has also been provided before u check out the items…Master Card, American Express, Visa can be validated.

Value Added Features -:

As described before the Authenticated users can also take advantage of a component that allows them to track the order status through WebServices,the ASP.NET facility that allows you to publish components that are accessible using a Web protocol such as SOAP or HTTP protocol.

The user can recommend a product to a friend by emailing him the product details .
The admin of the site has been given special privileges of adding new products,categories, subcategories,images etc….The images are stored in database. He can view daily sales report for i have introduced crystal reporting feature of .NET 2003.

Application Architecture: -

The base UI is an ASPX page. I have used user controls for easy navigation .They are used for recent product additions ,Browsing, Featured items…etc.

The data for the project is stored in SQL Server 2000 database. I have used stored procedures to access data wherever applicable

To get started with the project Click here

Source Code for the project

Just Browse through these files to get the quick coding information or you can download the same by simply clicking here.

Administrative rights pages

change password – For changing the admin’s password.

view reports  - For viewing the daily sales reports

add products – For adding various products to the site.

add categories –For adding different categories for the products.

add subcategories – For adding different subcategories for the categories.

Common user related pages

Home Page             

Login.aspx   - For the user login also the home page           

Register.aspx  - For registering a new user.                                

Product related pages

Default.aspx  - Initial products display.

Showbrands.aspx – Showing the subcategories when the user chooses to browse the categories.

Productlistscreen –For displaying the products after one selects a subcategory from show brands.aspx

Searchresults.aspx –For displaying the products on the screen according to the search criteria.

Productdetailsscreen – For displaying the product details when you click on a particular product.

Addtocart.aspx  - For adding the products to a shopping cart

Recommend to a friend – For recommending the product to a friend via email.

Review product – For adding your product views.


Accounts.aspx – For displaying the shopping accounts of a customer.

Orderdetails.aspx – For displaying the present order details of the customer.

Checkoutfinalpage – For final check out of a  particular customer.


Access services  -For consuming the web services provided by the asmx file through which the user can get the order details.

Shoppingservices.asmx – For providing the web service methods to accessservices page.

User Controls

Usermenu – For displaying the categories in every page

Header  - For displaying the navigation to the user in every page.

Product reviews – For displaying the reviews of a product used in the product details page

New releases – For displaying the recent product additions in the default page

random products – For displaying a different image on the default page

Class Files 
Adminfuncts.cs – For administrative tasks

Employee.cs   - For user login,user verification.            

Encryptfile.cs  - For encrypting the MD5 Hash algorithm.       

FinalOrders.cs  - Used for letting customer details in the system  after your credit card gets validated.Also used for getting the order details to be used in the User Account screen.             

ProductsDB.cs – Used for getting product categories and product details

ReportingClass.cs – Used for reporting and converting the report to a PDF file.

Shoppingfunct.cs –Used for putting the items in the shopping cart and also to issue the customer a GUID.

Vijaymukhidb.cs – Used in some pages to issue a temporary GUID

Creditcardvalidation.cs – Used to validate a Credit Card mainly American express,Visa,Master Card.

Being a beginner myself I have made a very easy to understand beginner level project JJ
I have added comments to my code wherever I felt it is really needed. Below given my contact details. Feel free to contact me anytime . Any Suggestions to improve the project , bouquets , brickbats welcome...

Name –Sandeep Wagh

Acknowledgements: -

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to 
Vijay Mukhi Computer Institute for their invaluable guidance while working on this project. Also, I am thankful to them for providing me an excellent course material.

Special Thanks to Fabmall.com the shopping website for I have taken product images from that site.

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